The Temple of Heaven that is. This is a famous site in southern Beijing that houses several old temples and royal sites. It was primarily utilized during the Ming and Qing dynasties, when emperors would lead ceremonies meant to bring about a good annual harvest. The complex was built between 1406-1420, by the same emperor responsible for the construction of the Forbidden City.
It turns out the Chinese people love me (and I them). Before we came to China, we expected that Chris might draw some attention because of his height. However, the Chinese were more interested in me. As I walked through the tourist attractions, people would stare at me with big smiles, point at me with enthusiasm, wave, and often times they would ask me to pose for pictures with them. Sometimes, shy people would stand next to me and pretend to take a picture of something in front of us, when I could see that they flipped their camera view and took a selfie with me in the background (likely looking really confused or angry as I sometimes suffer from Resting Bitchy Face). We were trying to figure out why I was getting so much attention, but came up empty. Nonetheless, who am I to shun the limelight?
We caught a few of these friendly tourists on camera and these two were my favorites:
Next, we made our way up to the famous Forbidden City, which was packed with tourists. We procured an audio guide here, as we'd read good things about it. We had also read that the audio guide was narrated by Roger Moore, but unfortunately, they've replaced him with an anonymous Chinese female. We found this disappointing. Nevertheless, onward.