Maggie Island, as they say, also features a lot of A-frame cabins, which are present throughout the island. We snagged our own A-frame for two nights at the Canopy Tropical Chalets. Here are a few shots of our digs:

We had the option of taking our car to the island, but heard you could rent little vehicles called mokes for about $40 per day. These are sort of a cross between a small car and a golf cart. Since it was fairly expensive to bring the car over, we thought it would be fun to moke it up for a couple of days.
They say there's good snorkeling around Magnetic, so thought we'd check out some of the sea life. We headed across the island to Horseshoe Bay to get the lay of the land. The only problem was the wind was still not cooperating, so the surf was a bit too rough for any decent snorkeling.
We met a friendly black parrot named Shadow. If you put a seed in your mouth, Shadow would gently take it with his beak, making it look like he was kissing you. See the video of me and Shadow below:
After many close encounters with a lot of Australian animals, we spent the rest of the day exploring some of the island's beautiful beaches.